I wish I could've walked away first.
I hate being the one walked away from.
I mean I knew eventually it was going to end,
I just had no idea when.
I guess that last time was really going to be the last time.
I guess it's a good memory to leave on.
It just sucks because I wish there could have been more.
And it just hurts because there could have been more,
but for some reason it didn't happen.
I don't know that reason,
and now I never will.

I'm just going to let it be,
take is as it comes,
& watch it as it leaves.

I hope you're happy.
You don't just "get over him."
You either still love him or you never did.

You're not here for me anymore.
Why are you still on my mind?
Am I on your mind too?
Every time I see you just makes it
a thousand times worse.
And I don't know where to turn to next.
All I know is that I miss the person
I thought I knew best.
I don't need to be your everything
but I wished you thought of me
when I need it most.
I wish you actually cared.
Even in my dreams.
How I wake up tired.
How I'm being drowned by some kind of black wave.
I'm sick of being hurt, and being thrown around like I mean nothing.
I'm done, I officially give up.
There is no one to blame, I gave you plenty of chances &
you threw them all back in my face.
People can only keep chasing you for so long,
& in the end I need to get back to my own life.
You'll find someone...well, clearly you already have.
I'm in no need of use to you, and well
I'll do quite fine on my own.
Have a nice life, and I hope everything goes well,
and I mean that.
I really do, I'm not bitter anymore.
I just have plenty of things in my life I need to figure out,
& I don't need more weight on my shoulders than I already have.
It was fun while it lasted.
nervous & excited,
and for being someone
I wanted to see everyday
for this short time
& I've felt something
I never felt before.
I will work on forgetting you.
you'll make it happen.
If not, you'll make an excuse.
They see things you refuse to.
I'm just tired.
I'm tired of putting in more effort than receive.
I'm tired of holding on for nothing.
I'm tired of believing all your lies.
I'm tired of you proving me wrong every time.
I'm tired of getting my hopes up
& being disappointed again.
someone just because we don't want to lose them?
It is quite understanding,
mutual confidence,
sharing and forgiving.
It is loyalty through good & bad times.
It settles for less than perfection
& makes allowances for
human weaknesses."
~The Quiet
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