Maybe the way we feel isn't supposed to be logical,
to be rational. Maybe it's okay to be unsure & scared.
Maybe we lose so we learn to let go, & maybe we leave in
order to grow, to blossom in to who we're meant to be.
Maybe some things aren't supposed to make sense.
Maybe you have to take risks to get what you deserve.
Maybe we shouldn't underestimate our potential.
Maybe we shouldn't set limitations and boundaries.
Maybe life is divine chaos. Maybe it's okay to love ourselves.
Maybe we don't need everything we want.
Maybe we shouldn't fear the unkown, but embrace it, learn from it.
Maybe someone can exceed your expectations.
Maybe we can control our destinies after all.
Maybe we have to fight for what we believe in.
Maybe, just maybe, we should stop second guessing
ourselves and just jump in.
1 comment:
Maybe it won't work out with the one you truly love. Maybe even though you know in your heart that you WILL NOT love anyone else as much as you do for that person, that it still just won't work out. Maybe even though you both feel the same way about each other, that it still will not work out. That maybe you're not meant to be with the one you love. Maybe there is someone else? But maybe you don't want anyone else and would just be happy being single. But happy because you're still a best friend to that person you were in love with.
Maybe i'll be confused for a couple more weeks... haha. I was referring to me and Catherine with all ^ that stuff. Hasn't been looking too good lately. Its been CRAZY haha. Shit, it almost hit the fan yesterday. I almost hit her. But instead, i just grabbed her cheeks and moved her head slightly to the left and right lol. Nothing serious, just like what you do to little kids. But yeah...
ANYWAYS... I have no idea how I got on your page. I was on the URL and was typing "blog..." then your site was one of the drop menus. I don't remember visiting your site tho.
I started to read your second most recent entry... but that jonx was LONG! lol. Is that your entry? Or like a re-blog kinda thing from someone else's entry?
But ok... 4am and I'm still up and can't sleep. I'll try turning the computer off. Happy Wednesday!
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