The best feeling in the world is
knowing you actually mean something to somebody.

someone means to you. When it hits you, I mean
really hits you, all these thoughts and questions rush
through your head at once. A sad emotion even starts to
creep on you slowly inch by inch as you start to wonder.
What if for some reason it didn't work out? - How
are you possibly going to live without them?
Someone that was once a stranger is now the only person
you know like the back of your hand. Someone you
never thought you'd love, now owns your entire heart.
Whether you like it or not. Someone you once lived without,
you realize you can't live without & you now wish you
could hold onto forever.
& I don't think you can ever stop caring
about the people you've been close to.
and nothing in the world is worse than
thinking you have a chance, when you really don't.

That everyone who we meet, who forms an impression
has something to teach us. Everything that happens to us
is an experience, and because of that it can never be bad.
An experience can only be good because it all serves
to shape the person that we are, the person that we become.
even when they've walked out a thousand times,
just because we love them too much to let them go?
don't hope and wait for the person
to come back. Feel good about yourself
and say, "Thanks for giving me the chance
to find someone better than you."
if it should have been it would have been.
Things just don't work out sometimes.
That's one of the simplest explanations in life.
You can dwell on why something that didn't
or shouldn't have happened, but it did.
So just move on. Most people want reasons
why things are the way they are,
but you are simply holding on to the past
when what you really need to do is
to move forward. When things don't work out,
find something that will.
The easiest way to stop giving a fuck is to never start.
People who make us happy, are never the people you expect.

There's a good chance you don't like us
but an even better chance we don't care.

But love people who never look at their schedule when you need them.
The guy I dream of doesn't exist,
& if he doesn't exist then I'll never
die of a broken heart.
"My life has changed since i met her."
doesn't mean they don't exist.
I wish he would realize that I'm here
and love you the way you've always wanted.
If your someday was yesterday, learn.
If your someday is tomorrow, hope.
If your someday is today, cherish.

for the long run if he allowed me to be.
If he doesn't, nothing can make him stay.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean someone else won't.
Usually the things you are most afraid of, are the most worthwhile.
Life changes, people grow up and grow apart,
and you accept that. Yet, you still can't stop thinking of
how good it used to be; afraid you'd never experience it again,
afraid you've already lived it and already lost it.

the hardest to keep, and the hardest to accept
because through all that love will grow stronger,
bonds will become thicker, & the future will become more clear.
Love wasn't made to be easy, otherwise we wouldn't end up with the right person
-- we would end up with the first one who comes along.
By struggling we single out the wrong ones & realize who really is the one.
You're either with me or you're not.
You can't just come and go as you please.
'Cause I'm afraid that later on, they're gonna
become a phone nmber I'm no longer texting or calling,
they're gonna become a picture I have to take off
of my phone or computer, they're gonna become
someone my parents or friends ask me about & I have
to tell them "We're no longer talking", they're gonna
become someone I see & walk by me as if we never met.
those who make things happen,
those who watch things happen,
and those who wonder what happened.
It has it's ups and it has it's downs. But, you
have to embrace those ups and downs and learn from them.
You can't just sit back and mope and make people have pity for you.
You have to put those things that are hurting you aside and live.
You only get one life, and that one life isn't that long.
You have to do everything that comes your way.
Yea, you might get embarassed, but in a one will remember.
You have to do what you feel is right.
You can't worry about other people.
Just live life how you would want to live it.
Don't follow examples, make them.
Let people follow in your footsteps.
Sometimes, you just have to dance around your room & look like a fool.
Other times, you just have to sing as loud as you can, even if you do sound bad.
You haven't lived until you have danced around your underwear.
And most of need to laugh.
Never go a day without laughing, or at least smiling.
It doesn't matter if you have had the worst day, if you just laugh,
everything will be ok. For the most part, just be you.
Don't listen to others. They are going to make fun of you.
They are going to tell you that you are stupid.
But that is their opinion. It only becomes true when you start to believe it.

just to let them understand how it felt when they hurt yours.
Say what you mean, but don't say it mean.

That's why we can tie our shoes or play piano without looking.
But then you spend a long enough time with someone
and your bodies memorize each other, you know?
The warmth of your back, the pace of your heartbeat,
your tickly eyelashes, and the way your fingers
would curl in sequence when I used to play with your palm.
Another person is like moving to a new country
where you don't know the language, it's a scary thing.
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