Saturday, November 3, 2007

as soon as you stop wanting something, you get it. -- andy warhol

so does that mean if i give up on the things that i want, i'll get it?? have to really think about that one... have you ever felt so scared of change because you are completely comfortable with the way things are in your life but yet wanting out...just to get away of everything? i am perfectly content with my life right now. absolutely at ease about school, working five jobs, and dancing. entirely adequate of my schedule. and yet i want MORE.... i want to get out there and just travel without having to worry about money. i want killer abs so that maybe i could get a shot at modeling gigs and get that solo in dance. i want to learn more without having to waste time. am i making any sense? probably not. i love my family and my friends. i love my jobs [most of the time]. but sometimes i just wonder what it would be like if i was somewhere else doing something just feels like something is missing. i feel empty at times, not knowing... everybody goes through their ups and downs....i just wished that i would stay UP more than i stay DOWN i'm blabbing...just some random thoughts signing out xo

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